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Indianapolis Kitchen and Bathroom Refinishing

Serving all of Marion County

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Indianapolis Bathroom and Kitchen Refinishing

NuFinishPro of Indianapolis Bathroom Refinishing provides bathroom and kitchen refinishing services in Marion County and the surrounding area. We have been refinishing bathtubs, reglazing sinks, resurfacing showers, counter tops, tiles, and vanities for over 32 years. Our refinishers can repair any damage to your bathroom and kitchen, then let us refinish the repairs to help make it look like new again. Our company has refinished kitchens and bathrooms big and small for hotels, and homeowners, realtors, and property managers who have given us positive reviews for our refinishing work. We can finish most jobs in about 3 to 5 hours depending on how much work needs to be done, your bathroom and kitchen are safe for use after 24 hours, once the finish has set and cured.

El refinament us permet estalviar fins a un 75% a un 90% del cost

Per què substituir, quan ens pugueu contractar per perfeccionar? Et podem donar les 5 principals raons:

  1. Assequible: El refinament estalvia del 75% al ​​90% en costos versus la substitució.
  2. Ràpid: Els nostres professionals poden acabar els projectes en menys de 3-5 hores.
  3. Easy: Podem detectar forats de reparació, esquerdes, encenalls, rovell i rascades.
  4. Eco-friendly: Es realimenta segur i no impliquen l’eliminació de residus de la construcció
  5. Efectiu: Renovem les tines, els lavabos, les dutxes i els taulells perquè es mostrin com “nous”.

Ràpid i segur

Our refinishing process is quick and safe, we can finish most bathrooms and kitchens in one day. We can help save you money versus the cost of reconstruction, refinishing also creates very little construction wastes as compared to demolishing and reconstructing your bathroom or kitchen. Refinishing can help save you up to 75% to 90% versus reconstruction, and help make your bathroom or kitchen look like new again.

Our refinishing products are rated Eco-Friendly by the EPA, and low VOC by the FDA, the finish is rated as non-toxic once it has dried and cured after 24 hours, your bathroom and kitchen are safe for use again. The refinishers are fully trained in the use of our products, wear full safety equipment, and respirators as they work on your kitchen or bathroom. While there is a noticeable odor during the refinishing work, the odor will go away after the finish has dried, set, and cured after 24 hours.

Els nostres serveis de repintat:

  • Refiniment de la banyera
  • Torneu a aflorar la dutxa
  • Feu reparacions puntuals
  • Torneu a encendre el lavabo
  • Torneu a aflorar les rajoles
  • Retireu el vell revestiment de la banyera
  • Torneu a aflorar el taulell
  • Feu una conversió Walk-in Tub

Superfícies que acabem:

  • Acrílic
  • ferro colat
  • Marbre cultivat
  • fòrmica
  • Fibra de vidre
  • Laminat
  • Porcellana
Re-envidrament de l'aigüera i reparació puntual abans de fer el treball: NuFinishProReenvidres de l'aigüera i reparacions puntuals després del treball: NuFinishPro

Refiniment del bany

Are you considering remodeling your bathroom? Why not refinish your bathtub, sink or shower instead of removing and replacing it, we can remove the old finish make any needed repairs to your bathtub, sink or shower and refinish the whole thing. Any damages can be fixed with a spot repair, cracks, holes, rust damage, scratches, cracks are not a problem, once we have repaired the area, we can refinish it to make it look like new again. Are you looking to give your bathroom a new appearance? How about applying a custom color or a granite-like finish, we can do walk-in tub conversions, to help improve handicap access and safety, apply a non-slip layer to your bathtub or shower pan floor to help improve safety reduce the chances of slipping and falling.

Rajoles de bany i cuina

Have your bathroom or kitchen tiles have seen better days? We can help give your old, cracked, or damaged tiles a whole new look by resurfacing the existing tiles with a new finish. Whether you have bathroom or kitchen tiles, we can make any need repairs, then apply a new finish to the tiles, making it look like new again. We can change the color or apply a granite-like finish to change its appearance.

Reacabat de banyera NuFinishPro, reparacions puntuals abans i després

Taulells de cuina i taulells de cuina

Your kitchen counter top and sink experience a lot of wear and tear everyday, why not help improve the appearance of your kitchen by resurfacing your counter top. We can repair any chipped stone, repair the cracks, holes, or scratches, then resurface the counter top with a new finish, you can even choose a custom color for us to apply. Are you looking to do something different? How about applying a granite-like finish to your counter top.

Has your sink’s glaze seen better days? Does the sink have rust damage or a hole in it? Let us repair the damage and reglaze your sink to help you save money versus replacing it. Once we are done your kitchen counter top or sink will look like new again.

Colors personalitzats i reparacions de taques

As you remodel or make repairs to your bathroom or kitchen, have you ever thought about doing something different? How about applying a Custom Color or Granite-like finish as we refinish the bathtub, resurface the shower, counter top, or vanity. We can apply a custom color from Sherwin-Williams as we do the refinishing work, all you have to do is pick a color, give us the color name and color number, then let us do the rest. Our company can also apply a Granite-like finish to your counter top, vanity, or tiles, there is a wide range of colors and textures for you to choose from. Has your bathroom or kitchen sustained some damage? We can fix cracks, holes, rust damage, scratches, and chipped surfaces with a spot repair, once we are done let us refinish it so that it looks like new again.

Reacabat de la banyera, reparació puntual abans del treball - NuFinishProReacabat de la banyera, reparació puntual després - NuFinishiPro

Sobre NuFinishPro

NuFinishPro has been refinishing bathrooms and kitchens for over 3 decades, we have refinished small bathrooms to large kitchens across North America. Helping home and hotel owners, realtors, property managers, and real estate investors with their bathroom and kitchen refinishing needs. Many of our customers have been impressed with our work, giving us 5-Star positive reviews on websites like Google, Yelp. Facebook, the BBB, and Home Advisor.

Our company is a BBB A+ Accredited Business, we are licensed, bonded, and insured to do business by the State of California under the Synthetic Products and General Contractors classifications. We stand behind the refinishing work that we do, our residential work comes with a 5-Year Warranty, our commercial projects come with a 3-Year Warranty.

Sol·liciteu un pressupost gratuït

Farem tot el possible per respondre a les vostres sol·licituds el més aviat possible. Envieu-nos les vostres fotos de la banyera, la pica o la zona de la cuina danyada, expliqueu-nos la feina que hem de fer. Per tant, disposem d’informació més precisa per oferir-vos la millor estimació possible. Enviarem a un dels nostres experts en acabats per venir a avaluar el nivell de danys, el nombre d’unitats que s’han de solucionar i el nivell d’urgència.

Per obtenir un pressupost gratuït, proporcioneu-nos el vostre nom, número de telèfon mòbil al qual podem contactar i el vostre codi postal. A continuació, un dels nostres experts en acabat de posar-se en contacte amb vosaltres sobre el vostre projecte.

  • En que et podem ajudar?

    Feu el possible per proporcionar-nos entre 1 i 3 fotos i una breu descripció de les unitats que requereixen treballs de repavimentació, revestiment i acabat. Els nostres tècnics analitzaran i després respondran amb la seva estimació sobre el termini i el cost del projecte. Gràcies. Nota: Aquest formulari admet la càrrega d'imatges i fitxers PDF. Totes les imatges han de ser en format JPG, GIF o PNG. La mida màxima del fitxer per a cada imatge permesa és de 1.4 MB.
  • Descriviu breument el dany o proporcioneu detalls sobre el vostre projecte de refinament (material, mida, tipus):

  • Proporcioneu-nos una breu descripció del vostre projecte.
  • Pengeu les vostres fotos aquí, feu clic al botó o deixeu-les anar aquí.
    Deixeu anar els arxius aquí o
    Tipus de fitxers acceptats: jpg, gif, png, pdf, màx. mida del fitxer: 32 MB.
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    Ubicació d'Indianapolis per a NuFinishPro

    Més informació

    NuFinishPro d’Indianapolis
    201 North Illinois Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46204

    Estem aquí per ajudar-vos:
    [email protected]

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    comerç: D-12 Productes sintètics
    Número de llicència: 1059225
    Caducitat: 10-31-2025
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    Àrees en què servim:

    • Woodruff Place, IN
    • Mount Jackson, IN
    • North Indianapolis, IN
    • Brightwood, IN
    • Fairview Station, IN
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