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NuFinishPro de Houston

Serving All of Harris County

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Refiniment de la banyera professional

NuFinishPro of Houston bathroom refinishing company can refinish/reglaze your kitchen or bathroom sink, bathtubs, resurface bathroom showers or surface tile. Our complete solutions encompass bathroom interiors, vanities, kitchen sinks and counter tops, we can also repair the damage or holes on the surface, our spot repairs will fix the cracks, rust and other damage, then let us complete the job by refinishing your bathtub, shower or sink to make it look like new again.

Personalitza els colors

NuFinishPro offers color customization options and faux-granite like coatings to make each surface look like new again. We can apply a custom color to the surface of your bathtub, shower, sink or tile, all you need to do is provide us with the color number and name of the custom color that you want from the Sherwin-Williams color deck, then let us take care of the rest. Are you looking to do something different? We can apply a faux-granite like finish to your vanity, counter top or tile to give old or damaged tile a different appearance.

Reparacions esportives i altres serveis

Does your existing bathtub, sink, shower or tile need repair work? We can help you fix your damaged, cracked, or chipped paint chipped tile, bathtug, sink, or shower look even better than it did before with a spot repair. Rust is not a problem either, a spot repair can be applied to the damage in your kitchen or bathroom, once we are done let us refinish it to make it look like new again. Our refinishers can also resurface your tile to give your existing old or cracked tile surface a new appearance, let us help improive the safety of your shower or bathtub floor with a non-slip layer, we do walk-in bathtub conversions, and remove the damaged coating on your bathtub, sink or shower, then refinish it to make it look like new again.

Certificat i acreditat

At NuFinishPro de Houston, our mission is to treat every job that we take on with the highest level of professionalism possible by making sure our team is staffed with highly-trained technicians. To deliver completed projects that receive 5 star reviews, from Harris County locals, who have given us positive reviews on websites like Google, Yelp, Facebook, HomeAdvisor and the BBB. NuFinishPro has successfully grown from a bathtub refinishing service into a BBB A+ Accredited Rated business with many locations across the USA. We have over 32 years of experience refinishing kitchen and bathroom projects big and small, helping homeowners, property managers, property owners, investors, and realtors achieve beautifully refinished bath and kitchen interiors at fraction of the cost of replacement.

Reacabat del bany, renovació de la pica abans - NuFinishPro
Reacabat del bany, repaviment de la pica després - NuFinishPro

Els nostres serveis de repintat:

  • Refiniment de la banyera
  • Torneu a aflorar la dutxa
  • Feu reparacions puntuals
  • Torneu a encendre el lavabo
  • Torneu a aflorar les rajoles
  • Retireu el vell revestiment de la banyera
  • Torneu a aflorar el taulell
  • Feu una conversió Walk-in Tub

Superfícies que acabem:

  • Acrílic
  • ferro colat
  • Marbre cultivat
  • fòrmica
  • Fibra de vidre
  • Laminat
  • Porcellana
Reacabat del bany, renovació del tocador abans - NuFinishProReacabat del bany, renovació del tocador després - NuFinishPro

El refinament us permet estalviar fins a un 75% a un 90% del cost

Per què substituir, quan ens pugueu contractar per perfeccionar? Et podem donar les 5 principals raons:

  1. Assequible: El refinament estalvia del 75% al ​​90% en costos versus la substitució.
  2. Ràpid: Els nostres professionals poden acabar els projectes en menys de 3-5 hores.
  3. Easy: Podem detectar forats de reparació, esquerdes, encenalls, rovell i rascades.
  4. Eco-friendly: Es realimenta segur i no suposar l'eliminació de residus de construcció
  5. Efectiu: Renovem les tines, els lavabos, les dutxes i els taulells per afegir-los a l'estat "nou".

Refinishing is safe and quick, can be completed in 3 to 5 hours, depending on the size of the job, the surface can be used after 24 hours once the coating has set and cured. The process involves removing the old coating, then we repair and then clean the surface that will be working on. After that, primer and multiple layers of specialty coating is applied, we then apply a top coat. Finally, once the surface has dried, the surface is polished to bring out the shine.

Recubriment de rajoles, acabat de banyera abans de fer el treball - NuFinishProRenovació de rajoles, acabat de banyera després del treball - NuFinishPro

Definició de productes que utilitzem

NuFinishPro of Houston is proud to be using premium refinishing products that are Made in the USA, our company is certified by the product’s manufacturer to use these specialty coatings on our refinishing jobs. Many of our competitors choose to use cheaper, inexpensive products, but we choose to use only the best materials on our work. Due to the high quality of our supplies, we area able to offer a 5-year refinishing warranty on residential properties and a 3-year refinishing warranty on commercial properties, hotels/motels, rental properties, and Airbnbs.

Our technicians are fully trained, use full safety equipment and respirators when working on our customer’s bathtubs, showers, sinks, counter tops and tiles. We use refinishing materials that are EPA Compliant and are FDA Certified as non-toxic once it is dry. The refinishing products that we use are low VOC, but there is a noticeable odor during the application process, however the odor will dissipate over time and will not be noticeable after 24 hours once the surface has fully dried and cured, then the bathtub, shower, sink, tile surface is safe for use a gain.

Obteniu la vostra estimació gratuïta

We will do our best to respond to your requests as soon as possible. Send us your photos of the damaged tub, sink, or kitchen area, a tell us about the work that we need to do. So we have more accurate information to give you the best estimate possible. We will send one of our refinishing experts to come to evaluate the level of damage, the number of units that have to be fixed, and the level of urgency.

Per obtenir un pressupost gratuït, proporcioneu-nos el vostre nom, número de telèfon mòbil al qual podem contactar i el vostre codi postal. A continuació, un dels nostres experts en acabat de posar-se en contacte amb vosaltres sobre el vostre projecte.

  • Per rebre un pressupost gratuït, proporcioni fotos i una breu descripció de les unitats que necessiten refinament. Els nostres tècnics analitzaran i respondran amb la seva estimació sobre el termini i el cost del projecte. Gràcies.
  • Descriviu breument el dany o proporcioneu detalls sobre el vostre projecte de refinament (material, mida, tipus):

  • Proporcioneu-nos una breu descripció del vostre projecte.
  • Afegiu imatges de les zones danyades

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  • Pengeu les vostres fotos aquí, feu clic al botó o deixeu-les anar aquí.
    Deixeu anar els arxius aquí o
    Tipus de fitxers acceptats: jpg, gif, png, pdf, màx. mida del fitxer: 32 MB.
    NuFinishPro de Houston, Texas


    NuFinishPro de Houston

    Sense visites a l'oficina,
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    Servei només amb cita prèvia.

    Correu electrònic: [email protected]

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    comerç: D-12 Productes sintètics
    Número de llicència: 1059225
    Caducitat: 10-31-2025
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